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Kenobra FREE REWARD www.kenobra.com
Uptime: 96.64%
Port: 7171
Players: 40 / 500
Launch    using Tibia Loader

There are 25402 players online on 446 servers
Last Update: December 12, 2024, 7:17 pm

We have 523 servers in our database
Current Time: December 12, 2024, 7:17 pm

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Players: 1 / 2000
Points: 100
Monsters: 33352
NPCs: 514
Uptime: 86.49%
Peak Record: 19 players online on October 4, 2024, 2:34 am CET

In the last 30 days:
4 players online on November 21, 2024, 1:21 am CET

Server: TFS 1.5
Owner: Daniel Felipe
Added: September 22, 2024, 9:50 pm CET
Updated: 1 min. ago

Server description

!!!!!Já estamos ONLINE!!!!!
-RetroBR versão 8.0, cliente próprio com diversas funcionalidades
-Jogabilidade antiga
-Exp Hard
-Modo de Treino Antigo
-Rate Skills low
-Ping BR
-Client Próprio
-Versão jogabilidade 8.0/Sprites Custom
-Knight/paladin usando UH /Mages usando mana potion
-Sistema de Guild pelo client
-Balanceamento das vocações
-Sistema de raridade

Venham viver fortes emoções no RetroBr
Inauguração oficial dia 02/10/2024 as 20:00h
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