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1x - Hard - No MC c01.dura-online.com
Uptime: 98.92%
Port: 7010
Players: 37 / 2000
Launch    using Tibia Loader

There are 26208 players online on 451 servers
Last Update: February 8, 2025, 1:59 pm

We have 534 servers in our database
Current Time: February 8, 2025, 2:00 pm

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Players: 8 / 500
Points: 122
Monsters: 107580
NPCs: 688
Uptime: 99.71%
Peak Record: 21 players online on January 30, 2025, 1:15 am CET
Server: Thera Server 0.4_DEV
Owner: Thera Server
Added: October 4, 2024, 1:06 am CET
Updated: 5 min. ago

Server description

Cliente: tibia 8.6 com Mapa global 8.6

Site: http://thera.servegame.com:8080 (se o site nao abrir, remova o "http://" do link)

IpChanger: thera.servegame.com

Porta: 7171

Exp Rate:

1 - 100 level, 100x
101 - 200 level, 75x
201 - 250 level, 55x
251 - 300 level, 35x
301 - 350 level, 15x
351 - 400 level, 5x
401+ level, 1x
Exp From Players: 0x
Skill Rate: 50x
Magic Rate: 10x
Loot Rate: 2x

Mapa global 8.6 com diversas quests e algumas exclusivas

Sistema de summon de bosses de hora em hora 7 dias por semana!

Sistema de War com "escudinhos"!

Possibilidade de comprar dias Vip no NPC dentro do jogo também!

Mapa com Razzachai+Zao completas

Quests do global 8.6


War system

Venda de itens VIP no site,
stamina refuel,
extra exp. flask,
hyper death ring....

OtServer com equipe dedicada 100%!

Grupo de Whatsapp informativo.

Diversão garantida!!
Confiram sem compromisso!