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Kings- Launch Today game.kingsvale.org
Uptime: 99.9%
Port: 7171
Players: 154 / 2000
Launch    using Tibia Loader

There are 27167 players online on 463 servers
Last Update: February 6, 2025, 9:20 pm

We have 537 servers in our database
Current Time: February 6, 2025, 9:20 pm

The World of Neravia
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Players: 1 / 1000
Points: 104
Monsters: 18265
NPCs: 144
Uptime: 98.26%
Peak Record: 15 players online on January 2, 2025, 5:44 pm CET

In the last 30 days:
14 players online on January 8, 2025, 5:58 pm CET

Server: Neravia RPG v1.4.3 1.4.3
Owner: Banfield
Added: November 22, 2024, 6:19 pm CET
Updated: 2 sec. ago

Server description

Neravia is a one of a kind RPG server.
We have our own unique map that was created to give as much pleasure from the game.
Weapons and runes are available without level restriction.
The bot is not respected. Known it is hard to catch everyone, so players using a dedicated client will receive an additional experience bonus (30%) and more loot.
On the technical side we are one of the most stable servers (we can boast 1000 hours of uptime) and rich scripts, that enrich the gameplay.
There is very large number of quests to perform - both simple and more complex.
In the main town you can perform the following tasks for killing certain monsters. Performing all tasks is rewarded very good prize.
Often on our server there are different, unusual situations, for example: events, competitions, raids of monsters.
Server map with respawn can be found here: MAP.
We recommend gaining experience in a team (Party + Exp Sharing) - it increases the experience gained.

IP: neravia.eu (port: 7171)
Client: 10.99
Online: 24/7
World type: PVP (protection level: 8)

Server Rates:
Exp Rate: Stages
1 - 8 = 10x
9 - 25 = 8x
26 - 50 = 6x
51 - 70 = 5x
71 - 100 = 4x
101 - 200 = 3x
201 - 300 = 2x
301 - MAX = 1.5x

Magic Level: Stages
0 - 50 = x3
51 - 90 = x2
91 - MAX = x1.5

Skills: Stages
10 - 40 = x8
41 - 60 = x6
61 - 70 = x5
71 - 80 = x4
81 - 90 = x3
91 - MAX = x2

Loot: Stages
8 - 50 = x2
51 - MAX = x1

Spawn: x1
Guilds: 8 level
PZ Lock: 1 min

Frag system:
White Skull Time: 15 min

Kills to red skull: 3
Red skull length: 3 days

Kills to black skull: 6
Black skull length: 6 days

Banishment length: 1 days
Final banishment length: 3 days