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Classick 7.4 Hotkeys
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Players: - / -
Points: 0
Monsters: ?
NPCs: 0
Uptime: 92.02%
Peak Record: 181 players online on December 8, 2024, 9:29 pm CET

In the last 30 days:
7 players online on January 8, 2025, 8:32 pm CET

Server: R33L 4.5
Owner: GM Lording
Added: December 6, 2024, 4:44 pm CET
Last time online: February 3, 2025, 1:47 am CET
Updated: 8 min. ago

Server description

Classick 7.4:

Is an high rated real map server made to have fun.
Also there's a fully smooth and classic gameplay aswell with custom content.

Server Features:
Hotkeys w/extra action
Stackable Manafluids
Stackable Runes
Runes in NPC
Market system
Balanced vocations
7.4 mechanics
Instant travel in boats(withdelay)
Desert Quest soloable
AoL on each tools NPC
Henricus blessing(inquisition)
Fully antibot client
Guild war system with PvP-Enforced

Experience Bonuses:
Cast system gives +10%
Premium account gives +10%
Party share +20%
GuildCastle +10% to winner guild
Tasks in-game

Server Rates:
Experience: Stages(30x-1x)
Magic: Stages(8x-2x)
Skills: Stages(10x-2x)
Spawn: x5
Loot: x3

Server Conection:
Location: Virginia, US.
Server and client has embedded proxies to make it playable from
Europe and Brazil without any kind of lags.

Unjustified Information:
Unjustified kills last only 4 hours
Red skull time last when all frags gone
You must be outside protection zones to decrease frag time

4 Frags for redskull
6 Frags to Banishment

F.A.Q & Extra Information:

Training monks in each temple
Training depots are set to Thais
There are trainer for runes and spells in client
Rashid change location each SS, google where it is. (premium required)
Tasks can be ordered in-client and they are repeteable unlimited times.
You can have 3 of them active at the same time.
You can make desert quest alone(without items)
You can enter to live casts by typing in-game client:
Account: {nothing}
Password: {nothing}
Highly recommended quest is Inquisition, atleast 1 PoI seal must be done before.
After this you can bless yourself with Henricus or Avar Tar.
There are custom content around the whole map.
Apart of that Classick 7.4 has liberty bay, port hope, goroma, calassa, svargrond and all it's isles around.
Every quest that include a weapon or shield will come with attributes, positive or negative.
Soul orbs can be exchanged for infernal bolts at Ab'dendriel "Sweaty Cyclops access"
Strong manafluids can be bought at Prismia
Great manafluids can only be looted.
Also there are few items that can be exchanged with a single click:
Life Crystal - Life Ring
Concentrated Demonic Blood - Lifefluid(80%)Strong Manafluid(15%)Great Manafluid(5%)
You can also buy "war" backpacks at Magic Shopkeeper's for example Xodet this will depend on your vocation.

To balance vocations there are small changes in attacks and some kind of changes around for example:

Exevo pox hur
Exana sio
Exori pox

Exori con
Royal spears
Enchanted spears
Assassin Stars

Exori hur
Exori mas
Exori gran
Many high-level weapons
Weapons quests with attributes

Party Hunt:
Paladin: Utamo mas sio - Shielding +3
Knight: Utito mas sio - Melee +3
Sorcerer: Utori mas sio - Magic +1
Druid: Utura mas sio - HP Regen

PvP Mechanics

In the world of Classick, Player vs. Player (PvP) combat brings exciting challenges and unique mechanics that change the way you engage with others. Here’s what you need to know about the custom PvP systems:

Rune & Mana Hotkeys

This Classick version will have Hotkeys for runes and manafluids.


Magic Wall Block

Magic Wall's can block ramps, ladders, and stairs, preventing access to certain areas during combat.

Push & Smoothness

The push exhaust has been reduced, ensuring smoother combat interactions also double push is doable.
Your actions won’t be canceled when performing other actions, allowing for a more seamless and dynamic gameplay experience.

Guild Wars

The Guild War system allows guilds to place bets on a specific number of frags. The guild that reaches the designated frag count first wins the bet and takes the prize money.

Important: There are no frags counted between guilds during the war. PvP is enforced between guilds.

Frag System

Once you reach 4 frags, you will be branded with a Red Skull, marking you as a criminal.

To reduce frags, you will need to spend 4 hours of playtime outside of the Protected Zone (PZ) for each frag.

Medal Recovery

Dead Lost: Dying in PvP has consequences. Upon death (except during Guild Wars), a medal with the player's name and the killer’s name or creature will appear on the body.

The player can recover the medal by purchasing it from another player or retrieving it from the corpse.

Consumable Benefit: By consuming the medal, the player recovers 30% of the lost experience.

Players have 24 hours to use the medal.


Everything else will remains the same as a Classick 7.4 server such as UH trap, parcel heigh, spells formulas and damages.