Server description
Welcome to Lost in Time. My aim is to run a traditional server that has most of the new 7.72 areas and quests, but at the same time removes some of the changes that - if you were there to remember - were widely disliked when first implemented by CipSoft.So:
- No soul points.
- No worms required for fishing.
- 7.4 mana costs for spells.
- Spells are dependent on magic level, not level.
- No rods and wands.
In addition, some elements of the game are modified to make it more user-friendly:
- Consumable mana fluids.
- The Adori Blank spell is added for your convenience (30 mana).
- Desert / 10k quest can be done by yourself (just stand on the spot and use the lever).
- HP / mana regen slightly increased.
- Skills and magic level progress at a 10x rate.
- Spawn-rates are increased at a 2x rate.
- Runes last twice as long.
- Experience is increased at different rates in stages:
* Level 1 to level 40: 50x
* Level 41 to level 60: 40x
* Level 61 to level 80: 30x
* Level 81 to level 100: 20x
* Level 101 to level 120: 10x
* Level 121 to level 140: 5x
* Level 141 to level 160: 3x
* Level 161 to level 180: 2x
* Level 181+: 1x
The Djinns quest is not fully functioning yet. In the meantime just ask Melchior, and he'll put in a good word for you!
Enjoy the server!
[GM] Ryaltar
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