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Poke NUMB on.pokenumb.pl
Uptime: 93.87%
Port: 7171
Players: 16 / 100
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There are 27416 players online on 462 servers
Last Update: February 6, 2025, 8:37 pm

We have 534 servers in our database
Current Time: February 6, 2025, 8:37 pm

Hast x7 exp 2.5 Koka
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Players: - / -
Points: 0
Monsters: ?
NPCs: 0
Uptime: 59.82%
Peak Record: 23 players online on January 13, 2025, 9:25 pm CET
Server: The Forgotten Server 1.3
Added: January 5, 2025, 11:16 am CET
Last time online: January 29, 2025, 9:03 am CET
Updated: 43 sec. ago

Server description

Kokainum to serwer Tibii 8.6 na pelnej petardzie! Potwory i gracze biegaja 2.5x szybciej, a segmentowy exp (x1-x5) pozwala cieszyc sie gra bez maratonu cierpienia. Botowanie? Obowiazkowe - nikt tu nie ma czasu na reczne klikanie! Zero restartow, pelny luz. Dla fanow Tibii, od fanow Tibii, bo zycie jest za krotkie na wolna gre. Wbijaj, poczuj, co znaczy Tibia na turbo!

English: Kokainum is Tibia 8.6 on turbo! Monsters and players move 2.5x faster, with segmented exp (x1-x5) for balanced fun without grind pain. Botting? Mandatory - nobody has time for manual clicks! No resets, just chill. By fans, for fans, because life’s too short for slow games. Join now and feel what Tibia on speed really means!