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AmirOTS 999999x amirots.com
Uptime: 100%
Port: 7171
Players: 25 / 1000
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There are 27299 players online on 462 servers
Last Update: February 6, 2025, 9:14 pm

We have 535 servers in our database
Current Time: February 6, 2025, 9:14 pm

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Players: - / -
Points: 0
Monsters: ?
NPCs: 0
Uptime: 42.63%
Peak Record: 2 players online on January 16, 2025, 11:46 pm CET
Server: YurOTS STF Edition 0.9.4d
Owner: Danger
Added: January 12, 2025, 2:46 pm CET
Last time online: January 25, 2025, 9:25 pm CET
Updated: 5 min. ago

Server description

Welcome to World War Server.

Use 1/1 = Antica 2/2 = Nova 3/3 Secura 4/4 Amera 5/5 Calmera 6/6 Hiberna 7/7 Harmonia ;)

All Teams are famous players from classic Tibia.

Eternal Oblivion

All characters start with full supplies (sds, uhs, manas etc) and is reset when you die so don't worry ;)

Map: Thais

I hope you like it.

Use !frags to see how many players you pwned. And use !report to report stuff!


Bem-vindo ao World War Server.

Use 1/1 = Antica, 2/2 = Nova, 3/3 = Secura, 4/4 = Amera, 5/5 = Calmera, 6/6 = Hiberna, 7/7 = Harmonia ;)

Todas as equipes são de jogadores famosos do Tibia clássico.

Eternal Oblivion

Todos os personagens começam com suprimentos completos (SDs, UHs, manas etc) e são resetados quando você morre, então não se preocupe ;)

Mapa: Thais

Espero que gostem.

Use !frags para ver quantos jogadores você matou. E use !report para relatar problemas!