Server description
Witam zapraszam na serwer RL 13.20!Server Info:
IP: (Port: 7171)
Real Client: 13.20/11.00 OTC
Online: 24/7 - Dedicated server
World type: PVP (Protection level: 40)
Premium only for coins!
Exp Rate Static: x35
Magic Level: x12
Skills: x12
Loot: x2
Spawn: x1
Guilds: 8 level (Create on website)
Frags & Skull system
PZ Lock: 1 min
White Skull Time: 15 min
Frags Red Skull: 6 - daily, 15 - weekly, 30 - monthly
Real Map Cities:
- Ab'Dendriel
- Ankrahmun
- Bounac
- Carlin
- Cobra Bastion
- Darashia
- Dawnport
- Edron
- Farmine
- Feyrist
- Gnomprona
- Gray Beach
- Island of Destiny
- Issavi
- Kazordoon
- Krailos
- Liberty Bay
- Marapur
- Port Hope
- Rathleton
- Rookgaard
- Roshamuul
- Svargrond
- Thais
- Venore
- Yalahar
Other info:
All quests works
Bestiary & Bosstiary system & Charm system
Free imbuing system (without quest, items needed)
Forge system
Wheel system with gem atelier
Completly works bosses with real reactions (like Grand Master Oberon)
Offline Training
Summons works like on Real Tibia
Task System Grizzly Adams & Hunting Tasks
Prey system
Daily Reward Shrine
Traveling Yasir & Rashid
Raid system
TEAM : GOD BANNIA, mam nadzieje ze support sie powiekszy !
Last 5 Messages Of The Day