Email: Password:

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server image
Balanced RPG Midrate remindot.hopto.org
Uptime: 99.74%
Port: 7171
Players: 10 / 1000
Launch    using Tibia Loader

There are 26009 players online on 452 servers
Last Update: February 19, 2025, 4:28 am

We have 548 servers in our database
Current Time: February 19, 2025, 4:28 am


1. How do I play on Open Tibia Server?

The easiest way to connect to an Open Tibia server is by using an IP Changer. You may use Tibia Loader which is supported by our website. After downloading this program you simply run it, download required Tibia client in "Software" bookmark (right click on a needed Tibia version and then "download"). Next click on "Custom launch" where you type server address, port and choose client version. When you are done click "Launch" and enjoy playing on a chosen Open Tibia server.

Some of the servers provide players with their own custom Tibia client. If you have such client you don't need an IP Changer to connect.

Keep in mind that using the same password on Open Tibia servers and official Tibia servers/website is not safe therefore we strongly recommend creating accounts with various passwords.

2. Is adding a server to the list free of charge?

Yes, however, we require owners of the most populated servers to buy a yellow highlight. Servers which have at least 500 players aren't displayed on the list if they don't have the yellow highlight active.

3. I can't add server! When I try to login, it returns me to the "Login Screen"! What's wrong?

Otserv List uses Cookies-Based login mechanism. Check your browser settings and enable them (cookies)!

4. Somebody has added my OtServ to the list. Now i want to edit it (or delete) but I can't!

Change your config.lua and set motd = "otservlist.org-delete". Your server will be deleted in 3-10 minutes (of course your server has to be online). Then you will be able to add it again.

5. I lost password to my account!

If you remember the email which you used to register here, just use Lost Password!

6. Where can i download certain Tibia client?

You can download it from our download section here: [link]

7. My server has been banned! Why?

We do not accept servers with modified/false information (i.e. number of online players, record and uptime). Usually such servers are instantly detected and banned from otservlist including ip ban so it is harder to add a server in the future. Adding login servers (summing online players from a few servers) and counting quit players (e.g. on trainers) is also prohibited.