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Akademicki 7.6 game.ots76.org
Uptime: 99.26%
Port: 7171
Players: 4 / 100
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There are 25465 players online on 447 servers
Last Update: February 19, 2025, 4:11 am

We have 548 servers in our database
Current Time: February 19, 2025, 4:11 am

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Players: 4 / 600
Unique players: 3
Multi clients: Low

Points: 152
Monsters: 36890
NPCs: 321
Uptime: 98.08%
Peak Record: 211 players online on February 26, 2022, 8:33 pm CET

In the last 30 days:
14 players online on February 13, 2025, 12:41 am CET

Server: Midhem online 1.5
Owner: Sajgon
Added: February 18, 2022, 9:01 pm CET
Updated: 9 min. ago

Server description

Midhem Online is a thrilling MMORPG where you can hunt, quest, raid, loot, and trade to climb the leaderboard. In this game, you'll face challenges, join or form guilds, and interact with players worldwide. It offers a Free2Play model with optional Premium benefits. Players can advance their characters through levels, skills, magic, equipment, and more

Enjoy a buffed and balanced party XP share, a melee skill instead of the regular axe, club & sword, and an advanced task system with automatic rewards on 100/300/600/1000/1500/2000 kills. All runes are stackable up to 100 charges, and gold is added to the bank automatically. Travel for free until promoted, and PvP on ships.

Simple bot tools included in the client. Mixed-PvP: World is Open-PvP, Liberty Bay is No-PvP, and war mode

Happy hunting,
Midhem Online