Server description
IP: gelviria.comPort: 7171
Client: Custom encrypted OTClient 7.6
Uptime: 24x7 Dedicated Server
Hosted: USA OVH Datacenter in Virginia
World Type: PVP
Exp Rate: Stages
Magic Level: x2
Skills: x3
Loot: x2
Spawn: 2x
Raid: 15% Chance daily
Map: Cipsoft with some custom quests, monsters, and items
Runes: 7.4 mana cost, normal charges, normal prices.
This is completely free 2 play, and it will always be so always.
About Server:
This is another retro/real tibia server, yes. The whole idea of setting it up is for me to refresh my skills after long hiatus from OT scene. Features that will be implemented here in future will be dragged onto different full custom project thats been my hobby but was never near anywhere completion. This server isn't going anywhere, and there will be no-rollbacks at all or serious changes that will break it.
The server uses cipsoft like global game save, with some performance changes. (Instead of saving within mysql database, each day i'm creating an index within elasticsearch.) This feature is meant for my other custom rpg game that allows players build their own permanent houses like in Ultima Online.
In terms of new content:
As players progress in-game with quests they will learn how to get to new locations. As a player You will be able to see some of the new content during some raids. Like Pigglins, Corrupted Orc, Demonic Orcs, all kinds of new Dragons, Human-like monsters, as well as colossus type monsters.
Please note: Not all monsters as of now, have their spots on map. Some mobs will only appear as raids for now.
Mapping takes time, I'm one of the "simone" mappers.
I promise quality over quantity.
Feel free to connect with me on if you would like to help out I'm always open for that.
In case you would like to propose changes to rates, configuration etc I'll be open to suggestions.
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