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Olders 8.0 play.olders.online
Uptime: 99.78%
Port: 7171
Players: 221 / 2000
Launch    using Tibia Loader

There are 27286 players online on 463 servers
Last Update: February 6, 2025, 9:10 pm

We have 535 servers in our database
Current Time: February 6, 2025, 9:10 pm

Infernal OT OPEN NOW
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Players: 3 / 300
Points: 125
Monsters: 21827
NPCs: 26
Uptime: 99.43%
Peak Record: 25 players online on November 1, 2024, 9:37 pm CET

In the last 30 days:
9 players online on January 26, 2025, 5:28 pm CET

Server: The Forgotten Server 0.4
Owner: Dev Abolish
Added: August 26, 2024, 1:24 am CET
Updated: 8 min. ago

Server description

Hi everyone,

This is Infernal OT, we are proud to be back with a new server balance and updates. Full custom map, spells, and events.

Infernal OT exp rate is custom staged, high exp, high level with rebirth.

HP and Mana are shown as a percentage, this is great for the high numbers being difficult to read at such high speeds.

!teleport command! check it out!

Our OT Client is currently modified to have Chat Disable function stay disabled if it is disabled and stay enabled if it is enabled. No more pesky check box every time you send a message to disable chat. More to come!

Custom party EXP system, players in party of 2 will both receive 75% of total experience, party of 3 will get 77%, bonus for additional members, up to 5 members at 81%. This will encourage team play and is a fun way to make faster kill speed while getting great experience, this is not calculated based on damage!

We have an official discord server and forum all linked on our website here.
Infernal OT official website https://infernalot.champeon.net/

10 Promotions, each one with their own set making you more powerful and defensive against your opponents be them monsters or rivals!

Come check us out, we are open to suggestions, expansion and more. This is a project that was stopped a long time ago due to life reasons and is now hosted on a high end server and has undergone transformation and will have much more.

Official server launch 10/19/24 at 12:00 am USA/EST, countdown timer on website!