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START OPEN 09 MARCH go.underwar.org
Uptime: 99.11%
Port: 7171
Players: 0 / 2000
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There are 25267 players online on 445 servers
Last Update: February 19, 2025, 4:08 am

We have 548 servers in our database
Current Time: February 19, 2025, 4:08 am

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* Ip Server Name Players / Max Uptime Pts EXP * *
sweden Otservplay.ironco.reOLDSCHOOL IRONCORE14 (118) / 200099.91%149x1nPVP[ 7.1 ]
brazil Otservsv.baiak-kronus.comO MELHOR BAIAK18 (647) / 200092.84%151x400PVP[ 8.6 ]
usa Otservnutopiaot.comNutopia0 (64) / 200099.83%139x3PVPe[ n/a ]
brazil Otservntofox.com.brNto Fox1 (93) / 25071.08%94x50PVP[ 8.54 ]
germany Otservtibia-legends.comNova 7.40 (22) / 200096.24%60x20PVP[ 7.4 ]
usa Otservv.nostalther.comNostalther Violet 74123 (444) / 200098.38%191x1PVP[ 7.4 ]
poland Otservnoral.plNoral6 (16) / 200085.84%17x350PVP[ 13.0 ]
brazil Otservplay.aiolosot.com.brNoPVP GLOBAL EASY TP51 (81) / 200098.75%138x99999nPVP[ 13.4 ]
poland Otservno-grind-ots.plNo Grind RL SoulPit42 (113) / 200099.4%159x20nPVP[ 13.3 ]
brazil Otservserver.nightmare-newage.comNightmare 8.66 (122) / 100099.08%84x18PVP[ 8.6 ]
usa Otservlogin.realesta74.netNexoria0 (4) / 200092.74%11x8PVPe[ 7.4 ]
poland Otservplay.easyot.funNewStart1 (5) / 200099.93%60x150PVP[ 13.4 ]
brazil Otservgogo.baiak-vip.onlineNew season 30-0177 (130) / 200089.98%89x9999PVP[ 13.4 ]
poland Otservvisit.otuniverse.comNew Evo-Zapraszam12 (35) / 15098.28%129x999PVP[ 13.2 ]
mexico Otservplay.necroxia.comNecroxia Origin80 (179) / 100098.58%174x15PVP[ 13.1 ]
poland Otservtibia.nadinwins.plNadinOTS1 (124) / 200098.64%135x1PVP[ 13.3 ]
usa Otservnoxiousot.comNOX RLMAP 8.6250 (1038) / 200099.85%213x10PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservaquariu1.radbr.comNOVO SERVIDOR RADBR196 (593) / 200078.46%194x25PVP[ 10.0 ]
poland Otservlogin.vestia.plNO RESET EDITION336 (1067) / 140098.96%216x300PVP[ 8.6 ]
netherlands Otservwesera.netNO RESET CLASSIC MOD22 (28) / 200099.75%132x3PVP[ 8.0 ]
brazil Otservon.kimeraot-nopvp.com.brNO PVP GLOBALXP 999933 (149) / 200099.31%160x99999nPVP[ 12.9 ]
brazil Otservlegacy.exordion.com.brNEW WORLD 24-020 (483) / 200099.63%137x2PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservgame.exordion.com.brNEW WORLD 24-020 (0) / 200099.95%45x2PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservplay.calmera.com.brNEW SERVER 28-02351 (766) / 200098.94%249x350nPVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservsmaug.servegame.comNEW SERVER 28-016 (27) / 200096.04%117x500PVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservtesteot.ddns.netNEW OT9 (10) / 15099.93%42x100PVP[ 7.92 ]
brazil Otservsolarian.rubinot.com.brNEW NON-PVP RUBINOT1890 (3316) / 200098.97%182x80nPVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservkalarian.rubinot.com.brNEW NON-PVP ONLY RTC816 (2057) / 200099.31%172x80nPVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservharmonian.rubinot.com.brNEW NON-PVP ONLY RTC957 (1413) / 200099.07%173x80nPVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservmarnoliot.com.brNEW GLOBAL FULL0 (2) / 2000100%2x400PVP[ 13.4 ]
brazil Otservplay.gadot.onlineNEW GLOBAL CUSTOM2 (31) / 200098.94%85x300PVP[ 14.0 ]
usa Otservberethaonline.servegame.comNEW BERETHA ONLINE0 (4) / 100094.56%119x100PVP[ 13.2 ]
brazil Otservon.fast-baiak.comNEW BAIAK 8.60783 (823) / 200099.12%172x400PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otserv51.195.6.16Mythica Eu 22FEB 8PM0 (159) / 100099.74%131x10PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservcliente.mysticot.com.brMystic OT Abre hj14 (83) / 200094.86%111x999PVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservgame.modukot.comModukOT137 (346) / 200098.55%186x100nPVP[ 13.3 ]
aumista-reborn.comMista-Reborn3 (53) / 200099.74%141x5PVP[ 13.21 ]
brazil Otservplay.miridianot.comMiridian ABRE HOJE9 (88) / 200099.3%127x500PVP[ 13.4 ]
chile Otservgo.midgardot.clMidgard Ot - LinkDes12 (24) / 30033.81%12x300PVP[ 14.0 ]
poland Otservmazurskiots.plMaz - FAST ATACK 7.626 (52) / 50099.78%44x888PVP[ 7.6 ]
poland Otserv45.141.3.156Marcin OTS0 (10) / 20099.23%115x1.5PVP[ 8.6 ]
usa Otservlogin.madnessalive.comMadnessalive OT56 (205) / 100098.93%174x999PVP[ 10.9 ]
usa Otservluciot.ddns.netLuciOT50 (92) / 200095.27%97x99PVP[ 13.4 ]
poland Otservlubelski.funLubelski 4FUN 13 125 (27) / 10098.71%105x999PVP[ 7.6 ]
netherlands Otservlitot.nlLost in Time1 (8) / 5097.77%91x50PVP[ 7.7 ]
poland Otservplay.noveria.onlineLongterm EVO Unique6 (166) / 200099.73%131x14PVP[ 13.2 ]
brazil Otservsv.project-oregon.onlineLongterm 7.4 New1 (6) / 200092.78%23x1PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservlogin.antiga.onlineLongterm 7.4 BR9 (216) / 30099.01%140x1PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservoldura.servegame.comLongTerm FREE PA 7.48 (19) / 200098.86%128x25PVP[ 7.4 ]
au144.6.222.147LiveStorm Australia0 (4) / 200099.44%109x50PVP[ 13.21 ]
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