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START OPEN 09 MARCH go.underwar.org
Uptime: 99.11%
Port: 7171
Players: 0 / 2000
Launch    using Tibia Loader

There are 28102 players online on 453 servers
Last Update: February 19, 2025, 3:44 am

We have 548 servers in our database
Current Time: February 19, 2025, 3:44 am

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* Ip Server Name Players / Max Uptime Pts EXP * *
poland Otservs1.tibia74.onlineAlpha open0 (2) / 200099.98%81x20PVP[ 7.6 ]
germany Otservtibia-legends.comNova 7.40 (22) / 200096.24%60x20PVP[ 7.4 ]
poland Otservtibia.websiteSvira Servers26 (39) / 200099.93%55x20PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservserver.nightmare-newage.comNightmare 8.66 (122) / 100099.08%83x18PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservs1.chillera.netRL 13 NO WIPE NO BOT17 (240) / 200099.13%158x15PVP[ 13.2 ]
poland Otservlogin.gunzodus.netRL EZODUS NET SOON546 (1153) / 200099.7%258x15PVP[ 14.0 ]
poland Otservviperia.zapto.orgVipOT New Edition10 (39) / 10098.4%144x15PVP[ 7.6 ]
mexico Otservplay.necroxia.comNecroxia Origin68 (179) / 100098.58%170x15PVP[ 13.1 ]
usa Otservtenebra.tibiaretro.netTibia Retro RL Map7 (91) / 100099.7%144x15PVP[ 8.0 ]
usa Otservcalmera.tibiaretro.netTibia Retro RL Map45 (117) / 100099.63%160x15nPVP[ 8.0 ]
brazil Otservprophecy.tibia-old.com7.4 NEW WORLD124 (465) / 60099.73%157x15PVP[ 7.4 ]
gbstatus.thaloria.siteThaloria 7.4 UK19 (76) / 200094.75%106x15PVP[ 7.4 ]
poland Otservclassera.plClasseraOT0 (5) / 200099.46%79x15PVP[ 7.92 ]
poland Otservplay.noveria.onlineLongterm EVO Unique6 (166) / 200099.73%131x14PVP[ 13.2 ]
cagoobers.j3gaming.comGoobers3 (380) / 100097.79%156x12FUN[ n/a ]
usa Otservblazera.netBLAZERA RLMAP 8.62 (150) / 200099.45%150x12PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservrefugiaworld.euCustom Login RL0 (5) / 200099.97%115x12PVP[ 13.2 ]
usa Otservnoxiousot.comNOX RLMAP 8.6244 (1038) / 200099.85%212x10PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservrookgaard.plRookgaard - Fixera8 (57) / 100099.46%150x10PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservgo.underwar.orgSTART OPEN 09 MARCH0 (1678) / 200099.11%187x10PVP[ 8.6 ]
usa Otservlogin.realera.orgArcanum21 (3079) / 200099.24%166x10PVPe[ 8.0 ]
usa Otservgelviria.comGelviria0 (6) / 80099.93%138x10PVP[ 7.6 ]
auau5ter.ath.cxAusterror OTS9 (45) / 50098.91%147x10nPVP[ 13.3 ]
usa Otservrebornot.worldReborn Ot20 (116) / 200099.15%154x10PVP[ 12.7 ]
brazil Otservplay.extremeot.com.brYurOTs Custom W-Bot78 (119) / 30099.69%202x10FUN[ 7.6 ]
usa Otservlegacy-blacktalon.onlineBlacktalon Legacy1 (43) / 55099.75%140x10PVP[ n/a ]
sweden Otservremindot.hopto.orgBalanced RPG Midrate10 (20) / 100099.74%169x10PVP[ 8.0 ]
brazil Otservserver.emperator.com.brCustom Server72 (222) / 100095.12%195x10PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otserv51.195.6.16Mythica Eu 22FEB 8PM0 (159) / 100099.74%131x10PVP[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservhorizon.wolfblade.euHorizon 18th October11 (201) / 200099.46%133x10PVP[ 13.4 ]
poland Otservneravia.euThe World of Neravia0 (15) / 100098.48%108x10PVP[ 10.98 ]
usa Otservnw.classick74.onlineClassick 7.4February121 (480) / 200092.25%152x10PVP[ 7.4 ]
poland Otservwinter.permenia.netPermenia Winter3 (124) / 33399.71%108x10PVP[ 7.92 ]
poland Otservasyria.orgStart 27l12l20243 (20) / 10099.36%97x10PVP[ 8.1 ]
brazil Otservplay.olders.onlineOlders 8.035 (1753) / 200099.84%111x10PVP[ 8.0 ]
poland Otservlogin.tibiafun.onlineTibiaFun Armonia157 (223) / 100099.88%122x10PVP[ 7.6 ]
poland Otservgamela.zapto.orgSTART 29 JAN 18 000 (19) / 3098.82%65x10PVP[ 8.1 ]
brazil Otservplay.unline.worldUnline176 (199) / 200079.23%93x10PVP[ 12.9 ]
brazil Otservsv.tntserver.com.brTNT SERVER2 (5) / 200096.37%45x10PVP[ 14.0 ]
brazil Otservfodera.com.brFodera Global Real0 (8) / 200094.59%4x10PVP[ 8.6 ]
brazil Otservtibiabrasil.com.brTibia Brasil0 (27) / 200099.41%141x8PVP[ 7.4 ]
brazil Otservserver.imperianic.comImperianic 7.40 (627) / 200094.8%148x8PVP[ 7.4 ]
sweden Otservvaloria.oneRLMAP With Custom1 (16) / 200099.97%92x8PVP[ 13.4 ]
usa Otservlogin.realesta74.netNexoria0 (4) / 200092.7%11x8PVPe[ 7.4 ]
poland Otservplay.realoza.orgRealoza 7.42 (25) / 200099.93%43x7PVP[ 7.4 ]
poland Otservarmia.toproste.plApo 7.63 (409) / 80099.23%157x5PVP[ 7.6 ]
frtrollheim.onlineFREE4ALL NO PAYMENTS0 (71) / 200099.94%146x5PVP[ 10.98 ]
poland Otservxamash.netXamash 7.40 (11) / 10099.01%139x5PVP[ 7.4 ]
usa Otservvenore-war.comREBIRTH WAR0 (33) / 20099.01%141x5WAR[ 8.6 ]
poland Otservs2.chillera.netRL RPG NO RESET0 (206) / 200097.7%148x5PVP[ 10.98 ]
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